“28% marketers feel they do not have the finance to invest in customer experience”

Technology challenges the way things are currently done in many industries. What is the impact of technology on customer experience? And how do marketers feel about future investments in customer experience?

A study by the Chartered Institute of Marketing investigates these questions. The numbers are somewhat different from what we could expect (or are they?).

Customer experience, personalization, and data-driven marketing are top priorities for marketers in 2017

  • Among consumer-focused firms, 20% say customer experience is their main focus for 2017;
  • Marketers mention personalization and data-driven marketing as top priorities, with respectively 42% and 37% marketers saying they will act on it this year;
  • 15% of firms mention they operated significant changes in their customer experience strategy in the past year.

Firms should make sure to allocate sufficient resources to customer experience

Despite customer experience being acknowledged as a strategic agenda point for 2017, 28% marketers mention not having sufficient resources at their disposal to invest in customer experience.

It is not only the marketers’ responsibility, who are typically in charge for the customer experience strategy, but also from the firm’s management, to make sure sufficient resources are allocated to it.

Technology redefines the customer journey by blending offline and online channel into one seamless experience.

Firms who are aware of this fact, yet do not act upon it, might regret it later.

This is true not just for customer-focused firms, but for all enterprises where technology has shifted the customer journey.

And that is 95% of all entreprises.

So what is Your Customer Experience strategy for 2017? And do you have enough resources for it?

#customer experience #data-driven marketing #personalization